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Ditch Boring, Cliché Datasets! Use These 17 to Build a Truly Great Portfolio
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Ditch Boring, Cliché Datasets! Use These 17 to Build a Truly Great Portfolio

Last Updated on July 15, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Bex T.

Originally published on Towards AI.

Unique datasets ranging from microbiology to sports

Image by Midjourney

You might have already developed a slightly sickened feeling when you saw people using the same datasets over and over and over again.

Everyone wants the easy thing. Beginners use datasets like Titanic, Iris, and Ames Housing Dataset because they are stupidly straightforward; most course creators and bloggers use them because they are just a single Google search away (or even bookmarked).

Today, I have decided to share a list of 17 datasets I spent hours curating for my Medium posts and my own learning journey. They will bring a fresh look into your portfolio projects when used appropriately.

P.S. I… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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