Differences and Connections between Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision from a Machine Learning Perspective
Last Updated on July 18, 2023 by Editorial Team
Author(s): Hao WEI
Originally published on Towards AI.
Natural language processing, computer vision, machine learning
I recently moved from the computer vision (CV) domain to the natural language processing (NLP) domain and found some interesting observations. The two domains are quite different but still share some connections. Here we go.
Image from unsplash
1. NLP is language-specific, but CV is not.
NLP in a different language could be very different. Different languages have different vocabulary and grammar. It is not possible to train one ML model to fit all languages.
However, computer vision is much easier. Take pedestrian detection, for example. An image taken in the US and in China usually has no significant difference. An ML model trained… Read the full blog for free on Medium.
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Published via Towards AI