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Create a Virtual Environment in Windows OS and Run a Flask Application Locally
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Create a Virtual Environment in Windows OS and Run a Flask Application Locally

Last Updated on July 20, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Bala Gopal Reddy Peddireddy

Originally published on Towards AI.

Easily create a virtual world for your projects

A virtual environment creates separate space for a project with its dependencies at a definite place. This environment is distinct to the specific project and doesn’t interfere with other project dependencies.

A virtual environment creates it’s own dependencies and space instead of disturbing the local environment.

After activating the virtual environment, it provides the facility to freeze the current state of the environment packages.

Virtual Environment provides a facility to install any packages as well as notebooks.

Everybody might come across this term called Virtual Environment. For the people who work with multiple projects in the localhost. Due to the requirements of each project,… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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