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Complete Your Data Science Tasks Fast Like a Pro
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Complete Your Data Science Tasks Fast Like a Pro

Last Updated on February 23, 2024 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Poornachandra Sarang

Originally published on Towards AI.

How would you expedite the completion of your next data science project?
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

You would recall the times when we would look up a quick coding exemplar on StackOverflow. Is there anyone who could assist us in creating an AI model? ChatGPT is that person. Indeed, ChatGPT can create an accurate, efficient, and fully functional AI model on any given dataset. You can import the complete project source code into Colab or any other IDE of your choice to continue working on it. Writing relevant prompts for ChatGPT is just as vital, even though the entire procedure seems quite straightforward. In this post, I’ll use just six prompts to walk you through the full model development process.

Ever since the AI wave, every company has wanted to display the β€œAI-Enabled” emblem on their website. Thus, they hire you as a data scientist to create artificial intelligence models. They typically have a tonne of data, but they are unsure on how to interpret it or use it to further their businesses. Thus, your need begins with a dirty and unpolished dataset. I’ll now go over how ChatGPT may assist you in building this AI model on an unknown dataset very rapidly.

I’ll take you through a simple example. Imagine that the… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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