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Classifying Credit-Loan Customers
Latest   Machine Learning

Classifying Credit-Loan Customers

Last Updated on July 24, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Lawrence Alaso Krukrubo

Originally published on Towards AI.

4a. K-Nearest-Neighbour Classifier (KNN):

Intro.Exploratory data analysis.Feature-Engineering.Modeling and Evaluation.Conclusion.The classification decision should be based on some science…

In August 2018, an article by the New York Post showed that more Americans were defaulting on their credit card bills, despite a “booming economy”. Another observer LendingTree.com noted a $16.25 billion increase in revolving debt in May of the same year.

Revolving debt is the card debt that is carried from month to month, usually at high-interest rates because a card, unlike a house, is an unsecured debt.

It further predicted that both revolving and non-revolving debts will surpass the $4 trillion mark, by the end of 2018 according… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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