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A Neural Sparse Graphical Model for Variable Selection and Time-Series Network Analysis
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A Neural Sparse Graphical Model for Variable Selection and Time-Series Network Analysis

Last Updated on February 11, 2025 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Shenggang Li

Originally published on Towards AI.

A Unified Adjacency Learning and Nonlinear Forecasting Framework for High-Dimensional Data

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Photo by Susan Q Yin on Unsplash

Imagine a spreadsheet with rows of timestamps and columns labeled x_1, x_2, …. Each x_n​ might represent a product’s sales, a stock’s price, or a gene’s expression level. But these variables rarely evolve in isolation β€” they often influence one another, sometimes with notable time lags. To handle these interactions, we need a robust Time-Series Network that models how each variable behaves in relation to the others. This paper focuses on precisely that objective.

For instance, last month’s dip in x_1​ could trigger a spike in x_2​ this month, or perhaps half these columns are simply noise that drowns out the key relationships I want to track.

My quest was to figure out how to select the most important variables and build a reliable model of how each x_m​ depends on the others over time. For example, is x_m​ mostly driven by x_1​ and x_2​ from the previous day, or does it depend on all variables from the previous week? I looked into various ideas, like Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to capture who influences whom, structural modeling for domain-specific equations, or more exotic approaches like… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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