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10 Time-Saver ChatGPT Prompts
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10 Time-Saver ChatGPT Prompts

Last Updated on June 28, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Sarper Makas

Originally published on Towards AI.

Keep Your Time for Yourself

Save your time with these 10 time-saving ChatGPT Prompts. This is the second article about time-saving. You can see the first “Time Saver ChatGPT Prompts” article. Let’s see…

10 Time Saver ChatGPT Prompts

Expanding Writing

[Text here]
Expand on the ideas presented in the text to provide more depth and clarity.

[Text] Expand on the ideas presented in the text to provide more depth and clarity.

Identifying Key Points

Identify the key aspects of [topic] and present them in a clear and organized manner.

Identify the key aspects of coding and present them in a clear and organized manner.

Setting Goals

Set goals for achieving [objective / target].

Set goals for learning python completly

Examples on a Topic

Provide examples on [topic / article].

Provide examples on python list slicing

Critiquing and Suggesting

Critique [work / project / idea] and provide constructive suggestions for improvement.

[Code] Critique this and provide constructive suggestions for improvement.

Dsicussing Best Practices

Discuss the best practices for [skill / industry / task].

Discuss the best practices for learning coding

Explaining Key Concepts

Explain the fundamental concepts of [subject /

Explain the fundamental concepts of coding

Outlining Simple Project Plans

Outline a simple project plan for executing [task / project].

Outline a simple project plan for executing for writing path finding algorithm

Learning With Examples

Teach the [famous framework/concept] by giving practical examples.

Teach the python lists by giving practical examples.

Researching a topic

Explain [concept/subject] in detail

Explain “AI” in detail

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Published via Towards AI

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