Understanding The simple Mathematics Behind Simple Linear Regression
Last Updated on July 25, 2023 by Editorial Team
Author(s): Lawrence Alaso Krukrubo
Originally published on Towards AI.
How to verify if a Linear Relationship exists between two variables.
Not a lot of people like Maths and for good reasons. I’m not exactly fond of it, but I try to keep afresh with the basics:- Algebra, Line-Graphs, Trig, pre-calculus e.t.c. Thanks to platforms like Khan Academy… Learning Maths could be fun.
This article is for anyone interested in Machine Learning, ideally for beginners, new to Supervised Learning Technique- Regression.
Some may argue that Data Science and ML can be done without the Maths, I’m not here to refute that premise, but I’m saying one needs to find time to look beneath the hood of some of the tools and abstractions we… Read the full blog for free on Medium.
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Published via Towards AI