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Galactica: How to (Responsibly) Use the Controversial Language Model Everyone Is Talking About
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Galactica: How to (Responsibly) Use the Controversial Language Model Everyone Is Talking About

Last Updated on July 17, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Federico Peccia

Originally published on Towards AI.

Articles and papers generation

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Perhaps you already read a lot of articles about Galactica, the language model released in November by MetaAI. In the original paper, the authors claimed that Galactica could help manage the explosion of scientific knowledge, by providing a model capable of “understanding” science. They claim that systems like Galactica are able to integrate knowledge from different sources and find interesting relationships between them, thus improving the results returned when compared to a normal search engine. But is it there yet?

In this article, I will explain what Galactica is and the controversy and drama around it,… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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