From DeepMind to Startup Success: A Journey into the AI Frontier with Aleksa Gordić
Last Updated on July 15, 2023 by Editorial Team
Author(s): Louis Bouchard
Originally published on Towards AI.
Aleksa Gordić — The What’s AI Podcast Episode 18
In this exciting podcast episode, I had the opportunity to interview Aleksa Gordić, a former research engineer at DeepMind who ventured into creating his own startup called Ortus. Over the course of the conversation, we explore various topics, including Aleksa’s current priorities, his work at DeepMind, his decision to drop out of his master’s program, and how he landed a software engineer role in machine learning at Microsoft (and then Deepmind) without an official degree.
Aleksa shares his journey of self-learning and building practical experience by participating in competitions and hackathons. He emphasizes the importance of having a solid mathematical background… Read the full blog for free on Medium.
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Published via Towards AI