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Inventory Optimization with Data Science: Hands-On Tutorial with Python
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Inventory Optimization with Data Science: Hands-On Tutorial with Python

Last Updated on November 5, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Peyman Kor

Originally published on Towards AI.


Effective inventory management is important for businesses across various industries. In the previous blog, we explored how to model the process and how to frame it with the Markov Process.

The below illustration shows how to model the probabilistic movement of the states:

Transition probabilities of Markov Process β€” Image source: Author

In this blog, we go one step ahead and think about how to frame inventory optimization with the Markov Reward Process (MRP). Here, we have the additional term β€œReward,” meaning we need to think about how to assign β€œRewardβ€œ to the process.

This blog will have the following structure:

  • Markov Reward Process (MRP)
  • Reward Modeling Bike Shop Inventory Optimization
  • Hands-On Python Coding
  • Bellman Equation
  • Putting Everything Together
  • Key Summary

At the end of the blog, you will learn:

  • How to frame the Markov Reward Process (MRP) for Bike Shop Inventory Optimization.
  • Write hands-on code to model MRP in Python.

Markov Reward Process:

Markov Reward Process (in short MRP) is a Markov Process, where the sequence of β€œRewards, State” tuple follows the Markov Reward Property as:

Here, R_{t+1} is a reward induced if we move from state S_{t} to S_{t+1}.

MRP need a new Python data structure. The new data structure not only keeps state evolution with its probability, but this time it’s rewards too.

To show how MRP data structure looks like in Python, I am giving an example of MarkovRewProcess_Exa data structure. Let me explain what it looks like:

MarkovRewProcess_Exa = {"Current State A":{("NextS1fromA", "RewardS1fromA"):"PNextS1fromA",
("NextS2fromA", "RewardS2fromA"):"PNextS2fromA"},

"Current State B":{("NextS1fromB", "RewardS1fromB"):"PNextS1fromB",
("NextS2fromB", "RewardS2fromB"):"PNextS2fromB"}}

The **MarkovRewProcess_Exa** is a dictionary where the keys are the current state, S_t. Then, each state going to a new state would have some rewards, and from state S_t to tuple of (S_{t+1}, R_{t+1}) has a specific probability.

Here you can see when you are at S_t = Current State A, and you move to next (state, reward) written as (β€œNextS1fromA”, β€œRewardS1fromA”), the probability of happening of this move is : **PNextS1fromA**:

MarkovRewProcess_Exa["Current State A"][("NextS1fromA", "RewardS1fromA")]
Code output β€” Image Source: Author

And we can iterate over all possible (new state, reward) to get the overview of the process evolves:

for (state, value) in MarkovRewProcess_Exa.items():

print("The Current state is: {}".format(state))

for (next_state,reward),trans_prob in value.items():

print("The ({} with {}) \nwith Probability of: {} \
.format(next_state, reward, trans_prob ))p
Code Output β€” Image Source: Author

Reward Modeling Bike Shop Inventory Optimization

Now, at this stage, we need to assign a reward to the Markov Process of Bike Shop, as we discussed in the previous article. What we mean is that given you are at state S_t, if you move to state S_{t+1}, how much β€œcost/reward” is accrued?

In the example of Bike Shop Inventory Optimization, the cost is compromised of two parts:

– 1) When we hold inventory items in the inventory, we are making the cost of overnight holding costs. Imagine holding items in inventory is costly (maintenance or other fees).

– 2) The second cost is missed customer cost. This happens when you have three bicycles in your inventory, but there are five customers. In this case, you missed two customers.

In other words, reward in the example of Bike Shop is defined as:

Defining Reward: Image Source: Author

However, we can not write the equation straightforwardly, as we need to distinguish two different cases,

Case I) The number of available items in inventory meets the β€œdemand”

In this case, we do not have any β€œMissed Customer cost”. Meaning only we are dealing with overnight holding costs. We assume this cost of overholding per bicycle (item) is equal to h. We can write that

Reward Modeling Case Iβ€” Image Source: Author

Note that states are β€œrecorded” each day at 8 PM . For example, today is Monday, and at 8 PM, you record that you have two bicycles in the inventory (Ξ± = 2) and one bicycle order that arrives tomorrow morning at 6 AM (Ξ² = 1). If tomorrow's demand is i=1. Given this, the reward is the equal cost of holding:


Case II) The number of available items in inventory is lower than the β€œdemand”

In this case, when demand i is equal and greater than all the bicycles you have in the early morning, Ξ± + Ξ². In this case, the cost is first -hΞ± plus the Missed Costumer cost, where the unit cost of the missed customer is equal to p.

Reward Modeling Case II β€” Image Source: Author

The right side of the above equation needs to be explained. The term p is simply the unit cost of the missing customer, then the term.

The second part of Reward Modeling Case II β€” Image Source: Author

It is equal to an expected number of missed customers multiplied by p.

Hands-On Python Coding:

In the below, we wrote a function that is the generator of the Markov Reward Process Dictionary. The final output of the dictionary structure for the Markov Reward Process is as follows:

from typing import Dict, Tuple

MRP_dict: Dict[Tuple[int, int], Dict[Tuple[Tuple[int, int], float], float]] = {}

I did a little bit of explanation and annotation of the final data structure below:

MRP_Dict is the final data data structure of MRP process. Image Source: Author
from typing import Dict, Tuple
from scipy.stats import poisson

def generate_Markov_Rew_Process_Dict(user_capacity: int, user_poisson_lambda: int,
holding_cost: int, missedcostumer_cost: int
Generate a Markov Reward Process Dictionary based on the provided parameters.

user_capacity (int): The the capacity of the inventory.
user_poisson_lambda (int): The Poisson lambda parameter.
holding_cost (int): The unit cost of holding item in inventory overnight.
missedcostumer_cost (int):The unit cost of missed costumer.
Dict[Tuple[int, int], Dict[Tuple[Tuple[int, int], float], float]]: The Markov Reward Process Dictionary.

MRP_dict: Dict[Tuple[int, int], Dict[Tuple[Tuple[int, int], float], float]] = {}

for alpha in range(user_capacity + 1):
for beta in range(user_capacity + 1 - alpha):

state = (alpha, beta)
init_inv = alpha + beta
beta1 = user_capacity - init_inv

base_reward = -alpha * holding_cost

for demand in range(init_inv + 1):
if demand <= (init_inv - 1):

# Calculate transition probability for demand
transition_prob = poisson.pmf(demand, user_poisson_lambda)

if state in MRP_dict:

MRP_dict[state][((init_inv - demand, beta1), base_reward)]= transition_prob


MRP_dict[state] = {((init_inv - demand, beta1), base_reward):transition_prob}

# probability of not meeting the demands
transition_prob = 1 - poisson.cdf(init_inv - 1, user_poisson_lambda)

transition_prob2 = 1 - poisson.cdf(init_inv, user_poisson_lambda)

reward = base_reward - missedcostumer_cost * ((user_poisson_lambda * transition_prob) -
init_inv * transition_prob2)

if state in MRP_dict:

MRP_dict[state][((0, beta1),reward)]= transition_prob


MRP_dict[state] = {((0, beta1),reward):transition_prob}

return MRP_dict

Having the function, we can give the function's input (same as the previous article) and then get the dictionary of the Markov Reward Process.

# Example usage:
inv_capacity_val = 2
poisson_lambda_val = 2.0
holding_cost_val = 1
missedcostumer_cost_val = 10

MRP_dict = generate_Markov_Rew_Process_Dict(
user_capacity= inv_capacity_val,
user_poisson_lambda = poisson_lambda_val,
holding_cost = holding_cost_val,
missedcostumer_cost = missedcostumer_cost_val)

We can print out this dictionary and figure out how the data has been stored in the dictionary:

for (state, value) in MRP_dict.items():

print("The Current state is: {}".format(state))

for (next_state,reward),trans_prob in value.items():

print("The (State ,Reward): ({} , {:.2f}) occurs with Probability of: {:.2f} \
.format(next_state, reward, trans_prob ))

Bellman Equation:

The main idea of the Markov Reward Process is to figure out the expected total return of each state if we continue the process for a long time under a specific policy. The β€œState Value Function” that maps β€œExpected Return of Each State” to β€œState” called as β€œState Value Function” can be defined as:

Bellman Equation for Value Function of Each State β€” Image Source: Author

Some explanation of the second equation is needed. The V(s) is the expected total return of following specific policy from state s, compromised of two parts. The first part is the reward we expect to get right away (immediate), plus the average value of all the different states we could go to next, times the value of those new states V(S’).

In other words, this equation is recursive.

Annotation of Bellman Equation for State Value Function β€” Image Source: Author

The goal of the rest of this blog is to find the state value function V(s), which consists of two parts:

– Part I) Find the Expected Immediate Reward for all states

– Part II) Build the Transition Probability Matrix

Part I) Find the Expected Immediate Reward

The below function will find theR(s) for all the states. In fact, R(s) is the expected immediate reward for states in the inventory problem.

def calculate_expected_immediate_rewards(MarkovRewProcessDict):
Calculate the expected immediate rewards for each state in a Markov Reward Process.

MarkovRewProcessDict (dict): Markov Reward Process Dictionary.

dict: Dictionary with states as keys and their expected immediate rewards as values.

E_immediate_R = {} # Initialize a dictionary to store expected immediate rewards

for from_state, value in MarkovRewProcessDict.items():
# Calculate the expected immediate reward for the current state
expected_reward = sum(reward[1] * prob for (reward, prob) in value.items())
E_immediate_R[from_state] = expected_reward

return E_immediate_R

# Example usage:
# E_immediate_R = calculate_expected_immediate_rewards(MarkovRewProcessDict)

Calling the function:

R_exp_imm =calculate_expected_immediate_rewards(MRP_dict)

Part II) Build the Transition Probability Matrix

The transition probability matrix is like a table where the *states* are the column names and rows, and each cell shows the likelihood of moving from one state to another.

We can initialize this matrix with:

states = list(MRP_dict.keys())

df_trans_prob = pd.DataFrame(0.0, columns=states, index=states)

The above is the initialization of the matrix. Now we can go and start filling out this matrix as below:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

def create_transition_probability_matrix(MarkovRewProcessDict):
Create a transition probability matrix from a Markov Reward Process Dictionary.

MarkovRewProcessDict (dict): Markov Reward Process Dictionary.

pd.DataFrame: Transition probability matrix.

states = list(MarkovRewProcessDict.keys())
num_states = len(states)

# Initialize an empty matrix with zeros
trans_prob = np.zeros((num_states, num_states))
df_trans_prob = pd.DataFrame(trans_prob, columns=states, index=states)

for i, from_state in enumerate(states):
for j, to_state in enumerate(states):
for (new_state, reward) in MarkovRewProcessDict.get(from_state, {}):
if new_state == to_state:
probability = MarkovRewProcessDict[from_state].get((new_state, reward), 0.0)
df_trans_prob.iloc[i, j] = probability

return df_trans_prob

Calling the function:

df_trans_prob = create_transition_probability_matrix(MRP_dict)

Let me explain what this matrix means. For example, think about the third row, which is state S_t=(0,2), then the following probability can be written as:

Now, having the transition matrix probability and expected immediate rewards of states, we can calculate the value function of each state using the vector and matrix format of the Bellman equation as below:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

def calculate_state_value_function(trans_prob_mat, expected_immediate_rew, gamma):
Calculate the state value function using transition probability matrix and expected immediate rewards.

trans_prob_mat (pd.DataFrame): Transition probability matrix.
expected_immediate_rew (dict): Dictionary with states as keys and expected immediate rewards as values.
gamma (float): Discount factor.

pd.DataFrame: DataFrame with 'Expected Immediate Reward' and 'Value Function' columns indexed by states.

states = list(expected_immediate_rew.keys())

R_exp = np.array(list(expected_immediate_rew.values()))

# Calculate the value function vector using the equation
val_func_vec = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(len(R_exp)) - gamma * trans_prob_mat, R_exp)

# Create a DataFrame with 'Expected Immediate Reward' and 'Value Function' columns
MarkRevData = pd.DataFrame({'Expected Immediate Reward': R_exp, 'Value Function': val_func_vec}, index=states)

return MarkRevData

# Example usage:
# MarkRevData = calculate_state_value_function(df_trans_prob, E_immediate_R, gamma)

Calling this function:

calculate_state_value_function(trans_prob_mat=df_trans_prob, expected_immediate_rew=R_exp_imm, gamma=0.9)

Putting Everything Together:

One way is to put all codes together, make a MarkovRewardProcess class, and call modules of the class. I have put full code (less than 100 lines) here:

from typing import Dict, Tuple
from scipy.stats import poisson
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

class MarkovRewardProcess:
def __init__(self):
self.MRP_dict = {}

def generate_Markov_Rew_Process_Dict(self, user_capacity: int, user_poisson_lambda: int,
holding_cost: int, missedcostumer_cost: int
self.MRP_dict = {} # Initialize the Markov Reward Process Dictionary

for alpha in range(user_capacity + 1):
for beta in range(user_capacity + 1 - alpha):

state = (alpha, beta)
init_inv = alpha + beta
beta1 = user_capacity - init_inv

base_reward = -alpha * holding_cost

for demand in range(init_inv + 1):
if demand <= (init_inv - 1):
transition_prob = poisson.pmf(demand, user_poisson_lambda)

if state in self.MRP_dict:
self.MRP_dict[state][((init_inv - demand, beta1), base_reward)] = transition_prob
self.MRP_dict[state] = {((init_inv - demand, beta1), base_reward): transition_prob}
transition_prob = 1 - poisson.cdf(init_inv - 1, user_poisson_lambda)
transition_prob2 = 1 - poisson.cdf(init_inv, user_poisson_lambda)
reward = base_reward - missedcostumer_cost * ((user_poisson_lambda * transition_prob) -
init_inv * transition_prob2)
if state in self.MRP_dict:
self.MRP_dict[state][((0, beta1), reward)] = transition_prob
self.MRP_dict[state] = {((0, beta1), reward): transition_prob}

def calculate_expected_immediate_rewards(self):
E_immediate_R = {}
for from_state, value in self.MRP_dict.items():
expected_reward = sum(reward[1] * prob for (reward, prob) in value.items())
E_immediate_R[from_state] = expected_reward
return E_immediate_R

def create_transition_probability_matrix(self):
states = list(self.MRP_dict.keys())
num_states = len(states)
trans_prob = np.zeros((num_states, num_states))
df_trans_prob = pd.DataFrame(trans_prob, columns=states, index=states)

for i, from_state in enumerate(states):
for j, to_state in enumerate(states):
for (new_state, reward) in self.MRP_dict.get(from_state, {}):
if new_state == to_state:
probability = self.MRP_dict[from_state].get((new_state, reward), 0.0)
df_trans_prob.iloc[i, j] = probability
return df_trans_prob

def calculate_state_value_function(self, trans_prob_mat, expected_immediate_rew, gamma):
states = list(expected_immediate_rew.keys())
R_exp = np.array(list(expected_immediate_rew.values()))
val_func_vec = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(len(R_exp)) - gamma * trans_prob_mat, R_exp)
MarkRevData = pd.DataFrame({'Expected Immediate Reward': R_exp, 'Value Function': val_func_vec}, index=states)
return MarkRevData

mrp = MarkovRewardProcess()

# Generate the Markov Reward Process Dictionary
user_capacity = 2
user_poisson_lambda = 2
holding_cost = 1
missedcostumer_cost = 10

mrp.generate_Markov_Rew_Process_Dict(user_capacity, user_poisson_lambda, holding_cost, missedcostumer_cost)

E_immediate_R = mrp.calculate_expected_immediate_rewards()
trans_prob_mat = mrp.create_transition_probability_matrix()

gamma = 0.9 # Replace with your desired discount factor
MRP_Data = mrp.calculate_state_value_function(trans_prob_mat, E_immediate_R, gamma)

Code output using writing Python Class β€” Image Source: Author

Key Summary:

– In this blog, the Markov Reward Process was introduced, and in the example of inventory optimization, the β€œreward” of the process was defined.

– A new Python data structure, β€œMRP_dict,” was introduced where it tracks the states, the reward, and the probability of the next (state, reward).

– The Markov Reward Process aims to find a State Value Function, meaning what the β€œExpected Total Return” for every state is. This was achieved by using the calculate_state_value_function in the Python code.

[1] You can read this example more in-depth in β€œFoundation of Reinforcement Learning with Application in Finance”. However, I have rewritten Python codes in this blog to make it easier to understand.

Thanks for reading so far!

I hope this article has provided an easy-to-understand tutorial on how to do inventory optimization with Python.

If you think this article helped you to learn more about inventory optimization and Markov Process, please give it a U+1F44F and follow!

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