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This LLM-Based Recommendation System is Insane
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This LLM-Based Recommendation System is Insane

Last Updated on January 14, 2025 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Ashu Jain

Originally published on Towards AI.

What Makes Walmart’s TMF Breakthrough a Must-Know Innovation

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Source: Lexica Art

Triple Modality Fusion (TMF) is a state-of-the-art technology that fuses visual, textual, and relational data to create highly personalized shopping recommendations.

It’s a big deal because it doesn’t just stop at guessing what you might like based on one data source; instead, it integrates multiple perspectives to understand your preferences better than ever before.

Deployed in Walmart’s production environment, TMF has already proven its value by a notable boost in the accuracy of recommendations, improving user satisfaction, and ultimately transforming the shopping experience.

Here’s why it matters and how it works.

In e-commerce today, the number of choices can simply be overwhelming. Traditional recommendation systems often use a single modality of data, like purchase history or product descriptions, to recommend items.

While good to some degree, this approach has its limitations. It falls short of a level of depth and nuance that would truly make recommendations personalized.

During my college project, I attempted to build recommendation systems on my own. The biggest challenge I faced was integrating and leveraging the relationships between various types of information β€” textual data, imagery, and the complex connections between different entities β€” all at once.

TFM tackles this… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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