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The Curse of Dimensionality: Why More Isn’t Always Better in Machine Learning
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The Curse of Dimensionality: Why More Isn’t Always Better in Machine Learning

Last Updated on September 2, 2024 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Souradip Pal

Originally published on Towards AI.

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In the world of machine learning, you’re often knee-deep in datasets. These datasets could be anything — a collection of housing prices, handwritten digits, or even details about the passengers on the Titanic. To make accurate predictions, you rely on features or dimensions within these datasets. But here’s the kicker: sometimes, having too many features can be a real headache. That’s where the “Curse of Dimensionality” comes into play.

Photo by Cederic Vandenberghe on Unsplash

Now, before you start thinking this curse belongs in a Harry Potter book, let me assure you — it’s very much grounded in reality. The term “Curse of Dimensionality” was coined by Richard Bellman back in 1957. Essentially, it describes how things get exponentially trickier as you add more features (or dimensions) to your dataset. More dimensions might sound like a good thing, but trust me, it’s not always that simple.

Let’s break this down with a simple analogy. Imagine you’re a student, heading to class, and suddenly you realize you’ve lost your wallet (ugh, the worst). Now, you have three options for where to search: a one-dimensional road, a two-dimensional field, and a three-dimensional college building…. Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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