NN#3 — Neural Networks Decoded: Concepts Over Code
Author(s): RSD Studio.ai
Originally published on Towards AI.
Beyond the Step: Unveiling Activation Functions — The Secret Sauce of Neural Network Non-Linearity
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In our previous article, “From Linear to Nonlinear: How Stacking Perceptrons Birthed Deep Learning,” we took a crucial leap from the limitations of single perceptrons to the power of Multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs). We discovered that simply stacking perceptrons wasn’t enough to solve complex problems; the magic ingredient was non-linearity. This realization brought us to the doorstep of the activation function — the unassuming component that truly unlocks the potential of neural networks.
From Linear to Nonlinear: How Stacking Perceptrons Birthed Deep Learning
Activation functions are, in essence, the “secret sauce” that allows neural networks to learn intricate patterns and model the non-linear relationships that abound in the real world. But what are these functions, and why are they so important? More importantly, where do they come from?
In this article, we’ll embark on a journey to explore the diverse world of activation functions. We’ll uncover their history, understand their purpose, and explore their unique properties, all while keeping our focus firmly on conceptual understanding and intuitive explanations. Get ready to meet the unsung heroes of the neural network revolution!
A Quick Note: Just remember the requirement of type of activation function in… Read the full blog for free on Medium.
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Published via Towards AI