Learn AI Security For FREE With These Amazing Resources
Last Updated on August 6, 2024 by Editorial Team
Author(s): Taimur Ijlal
Originally published on Towards AI.
Start your AI security journey today and future-proof your career
I have written about this MANY times and keep repeating it on auto-pilot to anyone who wants to future-proof their Cybersecurity career.
But where to start?
A common misconception amongst people is that you need to be super-technical or have a PhD in Data Science to learn AI security
The field is vast enough to accommodate people from both technical and non-technical backgrounds
There is no need to buy expensive courses, as the Internet has some amazing resources you can use.
Here are the ones I would recommend
The NIST Cybersecurity Framework has become an industry benchmark companies use to assess their security posture against best practices.
The NIST AI Risk Management Framework (RMF) is poised to do the same for AI Risks.
The NIST AI RMF is a tech-agnostic guidance developed to help companies design, develop, deploy, and use AI technologies responsibly.
NIST frameworks are well-trusted within the industry due to the rigorous validation they undergo from experts all across the globe
This framework is an excellent starting point for people, regardless of their technical background.
It provides a comprehensive approach to managing AI risks through key components such as governance, mapping, measuring, and managing AI systems.
More and more companies will use this framework to manage their AI risks as… Read the full blog for free on Medium.
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Published via Towards AI