How I’d learn ML in 2025 (if I could start over)
Last Updated on January 3, 2025 by Editorial Team
Author(s): Boris Meinardus
Originally published on Towards AI.
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All you need to learn ML in 2025 is a laptop and a list of the steps you must take.
I said that last year, and I’ll say it again.
But now, I am a research scientist at one of the best AI startups in the world, and it took me over 6 years to get to this point.
And nowadays, you have so many new, amazing resources that way too few people know of!
So, today, I will share how I would learn ML if I could start over by revealing the six key steps you need to take.
Let‘s get going!
Well, this one feels obvious, doesn’t it? But what’s not so obvious is how much Python you should learn at this stage.
In general, all these steps don’t have to be strictly completed in any particular order, but I would not start with the final and arguably most important step.
That said, what I highly recommend starting with is learning the basics of Python.
Python is THE programming language used by pretty much everyone working on machine learning, and every other step on this list builds on top of it.
So, I would definitely want to… Read the full blog for free on Medium.
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Published via Towards AI