From Text to Tangible: 3D-LLM Unleashes Language Models into the 3D World
Last Updated on August 12, 2023 by Editorial Team
Author(s): Louis Bouchard
Originally published on Towards AI.
An overview of the first 3D-LLM
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Originally published on louisbouchard.ai, read it 2 days before on my blog!
Weβve seen large language models, weβve seen them work with text, with code, with images, but one thing they lack is to work in our world. What I mean by that is being able to understand our world as we see it and not just through text and images, which are just two specific ways we can describe our world. Well, today, we make a big jump forward with 3D-LLM.
Result example of 3D-LLM. Image from the paper.
3D-LLM is… Read the full blog for free on Medium.
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Published via Towards AI