10 Comprehensive Strategies for Ensuring Ethical Artificial Intelligence
Last Updated on January 3, 2025 by Editorial Team
Author(s): Veritas AI
Originally published on Towards AI.
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Now, we are in the middle of a very unusual rise of artificial intelligence, especially in this post-GPT and generative AI era. This emergence is going to get much stronger for the next few years and will see AI being introduced more and more into all areas of businesses, industries and directly into our daily lives.
However, we have to move from the state of wonder and seriously think about the positioning that we give to AI in our lives and the risk(s) that this represents. From a purely technical point of view, an AI can only seem enormously useful. Still, it can hide fine layers of problems linked mainly to its structures, architecture, and model. not to mention the risk of using AI to achieve extremist groupsβ bad intentions. In addition to all national or international laws in progress or already implemented, allowing the regularization of the creation and use of AI, it is necessary to be able to put in place systems that can evaluate AI about its compliance with certain ethical principles.
The integration of Artificial Intelligence into various sectors of society raises important ethical concerns that must… Read the full blog for free on Medium.
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Published via Towards AI