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Category: Computer Vision

ROI based Hybrid Lossy and Lossless Image Compression
ShaRF: Take a Picture From a Real-Life Object, and Create a 3D Model of It
Popular Datasets for 3D Human Pose Estimation
What is CLIP (Contrastive Language — Image Pre-training) and how it can be used for semantic image…
Facial Analysis With Masks? Learn How To Achieve 96% Accuracy
Embedded COVID mask detection on an Arm Cortex-M7 processor using PyTorch
Image Processing using Spatial Filters
Image Processing using Morphological Operations
Combining the Transformers Expressivity with the CNNs Efficiency for High-Resolution Image Synthesis
Yolov3 CPU Inference Performance Comparison — Onnx, OpenCV, Darknet
Deep Hashing for Similarity Search
The AI-Powered Online Fitting Room: VOGUE
The Strengths & Weaknesses of Face2Vec (FaceNet)
Image De-noising Using Deep Learning
DALL·E: Generate Images from Text Captions! Inspired by GPT-3 and Image-GPT from OpenAI