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Scale HUMAN animations with OmniHuman-1 (Technical Review)
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Scale HUMAN animations with OmniHuman-1 (Technical Review)

Last Updated on February 12, 2025 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Deltan Lobo

Originally published on Towards AI.

Rethinking the Scaling-Up of One-Stage Conditioned Human Animation Models

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Image courtesy: OmniHuman-1 paper

Video generation models have been fun till now. We’ve seen several video generation models that create content β€” especially HUMAN ANIMATIONS.

But those models focus only on either facial expressions or body movement β€” but not both.

TikTok’s parent company ByteDance bridges this gap by releasing OmniHuman[1]… Now we are able to try out a broader range of animations, from subtle lip-syncing to full-body motion by maintaining consistency in different body proportions.

Of course yeah, traditional models were capable of creating human videos. But as I said it was only limited to a specific body movement and also even if it was created, the characters in the video would look lifeless.

I hope you might be aware of some portrait videos giving explanations about something.

But OmniHuman solves this up to a certain extent. Whether you’re animating a portrait, half-body, or full-body character, this model adapts seamlessly. Supports both talking and singing, handles human-object interactions and challenging body poses, and accommodates different image styles.

Video generation has made huge leaps in recent years… Thanks to diffusion models[2] and transformer architectures[3]. These models work incredibly well for general video generation (like text-to-video systems).

But,… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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