A 1953 Sci-Fi Story Predicted Today’s Hottest AI Topics
Author(s): Yasameen Thaer
Originally published on Towards AI.
A timeless tale about the moral implications of rapid technological advancement.
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“Admit that we were wrong trying to cure human problems by mechanical means. Start again. Use machines, yes, but not as judges and teachers and fathers.”
This is a quote from Robert Sheckley’s Watchbird, a sci-fi short story in his collection book, “Untouched by Human Hands.”
Photo of book captured by the article author. Cover Art by Saul Steinberg, Untitled, 1965–67 Ink on Paper, 16 X 12in. Private Collection — The Saul Steinberg Foundation/ (ARS). Cover Design: Jim Stoddart.I stumbled upon this piece by chance when I spotted the collection’s book cover; it was simple yet a bit weird….
…I was immediately sold!
Little did I know that the book contained a story that held many thought-provoking reflections about today’s generative AI and maybe highly unlikely our future with Artificial general intelligence (AGI) if it ever gets invented
Watchbird by Robert Sheckley is a story written in 1953 that paints a world where they found a solution to end murder of all kinds. By using smart drones named “Watchbird.” These drones had the ability to detect and prevent murder before it happened. Their core mission is to protect all “living organisms.” Equipped also with… Read the full blog for free on Medium.
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Published via Towards AI