AI’s Mind-Reading Revolution: How GPT LLMs Decode Thoughts and What It Means for Our Future
Last Updated on May 22, 2023 by Editorial Team
Author(s): Cezary Gesikowski
Originally published on Towards AI.
The incredible potential and privacy concerns of a groundbreaking study using AI to unlock human thoughts
image by author via PlaygroundAI
In recent years, the development of Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) Large Language Models (LLMs) has revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence, enabling machines to generate human-like text with remarkable fluency. These AI models have been applied to a wide range of applications, from chatbots and virtual assistants to content generation and natural language processing. Simultaneously, the field of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) has made significant strides, aiming to bridge the gap between the human brain and technology by decoding neural signals and translating them into actionable information.
Combining these two cutting-edge technologies, a team of researchers has achieved… Read the full blog for free on Medium.
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Published via Towards AI