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Who Needs Photo Editors?! — Massive Image Manipulation Tutorial in Python
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Who Needs Photo Editors?! — Massive Image Manipulation Tutorial in Python

Last Updated on November 6, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Bex T.

Originally published on Towards AI.

Transform and manipulate images at will with scikit-image
Image by Midjourney

We are here on a sad business. Very sad, indeed. We are here to learn how to take beautiful, breathtaking images and turn them into a bunch of ugly little numbers so that they are more presentable to all those soulless, mindless machines.

We will take animals and strip them of their color, making them black and white. Grab flowers with vivid colors and rob them of their beauty. We will look at disturbing images of X-rays and see ways to make them even more disturbing. Sometimes, we might even have fun drawing coins using a computer algorithm.

In other… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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