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The Balancing Act of Biomedical Big Data and Privacy Safeguards
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The Balancing Act of Biomedical Big Data and Privacy Safeguards

Last Updated on March 21, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Andrew Austin

Originally published on Towards AI.

This is part of a 10-part series about the Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence for Health that the World Health Organization created.

Andrew Austin

Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence for HealthView list6 storiesImage by Author

In today’s era of biomedical big data, there are increasing concerns about the privacy of personal data. It is becoming more challenging to obtain informed consent, and the potential uses of health data may not always be known, making it difficult for patients to consent to current and future uses of their health data. We will explore… Read more

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Published via Towards AI

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