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Stop Enrolling in Boring Courses! Teach Yourself Sci-Kit Learn With ChatGPT!
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Stop Enrolling in Boring Courses! Teach Yourself Sci-Kit Learn With ChatGPT!

Last Updated on May 22, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Gencay I.

Originally published on Towards AI.

Discover an Engaging Way to Learn Sci-kit Learn: Master Machine Learning and Algorithms with the Power of ChatGPT

Stop enrolling in boring courses! Teach yourself Sci-kit learn with ChatGPT!- Image by Author

Now we all start learning Data Science and Machine Learning by enrolling in online courses.

I admit, some of them are really helpful in the process of learning. Yet many of them now become useless after ChatGPT was released.

Now I did the same thing with matplotlib here.

I divided Matplotlib into multiple sections, and then I told ChatGPT to explain to me with coding examples.

Let’s do the same thing with Sci-kit Learn.

First, let’s turn to the thing you should learn into subsections.

As far as I know, Sci-kit Learn offers… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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