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Start Data Science Blogging in 2020
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Start Data Science Blogging in 2020

Last Updated on July 24, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Benjamin Obi Tayo Ph.D.

Originally published on Towards AI.

How to Start with Blogging in Data Science

Photo by Corinne Kutz on Unsplash

Medium is now considered one of the most popular blogging sites. Medium is a platform specifically designed for writers and readers. The writing experience on Medium is simply amazing. The Medium website facilitates writing. Basically, everyone can become a medium writer, as long as you have something interesting that you would like to write about.

I joined Medium over a year ago. I published my first medium article Using sapply() function in R to generate a table on July 7, 2018. This article was written mostly for experimental purposes. The feeling of satisfaction that a writer… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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