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GPT-4 Custom Instructions To Optimize Python Code Creation
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GPT-4 Custom Instructions To Optimize Python Code Creation

Last Updated on January 10, 2024 by Editorial Team

Author(s): John Loewen, PhD

Originally published on Towards AI.

Python Plotly dashboard code in less than 10 minutes
Dall-E 2 image: impressionist painting of prompting GPT-4

As a comp sci professor, over the past 8 months, I have heavily integrated GPT-4 into my data visual creation workflow.

I have also noticed significant improvements in the way that GPT-4 handles data visualization requests.

However, there are still some daily frustrations that I encounter within my GPT-4 prompting workflow — specifically related to 2 issues:

GPT-4 often loses its “train of thought” from the start to end of a conversation, particularly as the responses become more complex.GPT-4 “makes up” data (and data field names) if it cannot find the actual data or field names that it needs. It calls it “placeholder” data.

To mitigate these two issues, I have discovered a tool and method that I am now integrating into my prompting workflow.

I am creating customized system prompts using the GPT-4 Custom Instructions tool.

Let me show you how it works.

With GPT-4 system prompts allows us to provide instructions to the LLM that it will remember for the entirety of a chat conversation.

Why is this important? We absolutely want to avoid the situation where we are asking GPT-4 to perform a number of tasks in sequence, and in the middle of the tasks, it completely forgets… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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