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Enterprise Adoption of Generative AI
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Enterprise Adoption of Generative AI

Last Updated on August 1, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Michael Weiss

Originally published on Towards AI.

Enterprise Adoption of Generative AI

Hi, I’m Michael and I’ve been immersed in enterprise AI adoption since 2018 when we started an AI conference called Ai4. Over the years, our annual conference has grown from a 300-person event into a 2,500-person event, doubling growth every year. Our 2023 event is taking place at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas August 7–9. You can learn more and sign up here.

The growth of Ai4 mirrors AI’s adoption by industry.

Over the past five years, artificial intelligence has rapidly evolved from an experimental pursuit to an enterprise imperative. Enterprises worldwide have increasingly adopted AI technologies to optimize operations, innovate products, enhance customer experiences, and gain competitive advantages. But the AI landscape of 2023 is dramatically different than that of 2018, with generative AI playing a significant role in enterprise’s interest in undergoing an AI transformation.

In 2018, enterprises were primarily focused on narrow and custom built AI applications such as chatbots, recommendation systems, and predictive analytics. AI adoption was limited, and deployment often came with its challenges, such as lack of data or technical expertise, integration difficulties, and the challenge of demonstrating clear return on investment.

Fast forward to 2023, AI has become accessible to enterprise executives across industries. The advent of generative AI has enabled every business to think creatively about how they could leverage AI, whereas before gen-AI, even thinking creatively about how to use AI required some technical know-how.

Generated by Midjourney with the caption “a huge company powered completely by artificial intelligence”

Large Language Models like OpenAI’s GPT-4, Anthropic’s Claude, and Google’s Bard have demonstrated an exceptional ability to understand context, generate human-like text, and even respond to prompts with creativity and nuance.

Generative AI’s applications in enterprise are many and still being figured out. In marketing, generative AI is employed to create personalized advertising content, draft emails, or develop engaging social media posts, freeing up valuable time for strategizing and decision-making. Customer service departments leverage AI to generate human-like responses to customer queries, enabling 24/7 support. In product development, it can generate design ideas or simulate thousands of different scenarios to test products, speeding up the research and development process.

Generative AI has also brought about a new dimension of automation. Tasks that were traditionally seen as requiring human creativity and insight, such as content creation and design, can now be automated to a significant extent, saving time and resources. In addition, the quality of output has improved dramatically, which has enabled enterprises to trust AI with increasingly important tasks.

However, with these advancements also come challenges. While generative AI can produce high-quality content in a variety of settings, it can sometimes generate outputs that are unpredictable or undesirable. Enterprises must be vigilant about maintaining control over AI systems and ensuring they align with company values and goals. Data privacy and security concerns have also been amplified, requiring stronger measures to protect proprietary and customer data.

Another significant shift from 2018 is the democratization of AI. In the past, AI was largely accessible to only big tech companies with deep pockets. But the advent of AI-as-a-Service platforms, particularly the foundational models like GPT-4, have made it possible for even small and medium businesses to leverage AI’s power.

Beyond the applications of generative AI, the AI talent pool has expanded considerably with an increasing number of professionals now having some level of “AI power,” thanks in large part to LLMs easy access interface of prompt engineering. Prompt engineering has become an important skill in utilizing AI effectively. By crafting prompts strategically, non-technical business executives can guide AI systems to deliver more accurate, relevant, and useful outputs. By mastering this technique, any member of a company, whether they have a data science background or not, can turn leverage AI for their company.

Since 2018, enterprise adoption of AI has changed significantly. AI has moved from the fringes to the core of business operations across industries, enhancing efficiency, boosting innovation, and delivering better customer experiences. Generative AI is becoming the heart of this transformation, creating new possibilities and reshaping how entire industries think about innovation. While challenges remain, they are being addressed through regulation, technological advancement, and an increasingly AI-literate workforce.

Looking forward, AI’s influence on enterprise will likely continue to grow. With the ongoing development of more advanced and accessible AI technologies, it is clear that the AI revolution in the enterprise world is just getting started. And generative AI, with its ability to produce novel, high-quality content and data models, will undoubtedly play a key role in this wave of enterprise AI adoption.

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Published via Towards AI

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