AI Governance: A Deep Dive with an Expert
Last Updated on November 5, 2023 by Editorial Team
Author(s): Louis Bouchard
Originally published on Towards AI.
The Whatβs AI Podcast Episode 20 with Auxane Boch: Ethics Expert
Originally published on louisbouchard.ai, read it 2 days before on my blog!
Hello everyone, Louis here with another exciting episode of The Whatβs AI Podcast. I had the privilege of engaging in an amazing conversation with Auxane Boch, an ethics expert, and PhD candidate, and the insights we uncovered are something Iβm eager to share with you all.
This is a journey to demystify AI ethics, responsibility, and governance. Auxane provided a clear and insightful distinction between Responsible AI and AI governance. She painted a vivid picture of Responsible AI as a goal, a concept that aligns AI with cultural, regulatory, and… Read the full blog for free on Medium.
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Published via Towards AI