A Visualization of the US Unemployment and its Relationship with Currencies
Last Updated on July 20, 2023 by Editorial Team
Author(s): Dhruva Krishna
Originally published on Towards AI.
April 2021 Release (March 2021 Performance)
Photo by Nick Chong on Unsplash
This article is an extension of a previous one, in which I attempt to validate the theoretical understanding of Non Farm Payrolls against historical data. Iβm looking at the performance of a chart for an entire month after the NFP announcement, analysing movements until the next announcement rolls around. My methodology and presentation is as follows:
I begin by taking each monthβs announcement, which relates to the expected change in employment as a result of the previous monthβs economic performance. I note the forecasted value, the actual value and the net difference. This net difference will… Read the full blog for free on Medium.
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Published via Towards AI