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90% of stories will be written by artificial intelligence by 2034 — Automation and storytelling – did a robot write this?
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90% of stories will be written by artificial intelligence by 2034 — Automation and storytelling – did a robot write this?

Last Updated on July 25, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Paul Wilshaw

Originally published on Towards AI.

Automation and storytelling — 90% of stories will be written by a bot by 2034:

Automated and personalized news Gif (Wilshaw, 2019)

How do you know what’s real, what’s fake and what’s a bot (an endearing generalized term used to describe automated content) or not? Content generating bots are given a set of parameters and data inputs to output interesting and relevant news into the ever-bulging news feed in your favorite information gateway.

90 percent of our news is automated news — at least by 2034 that is. Giant media conglomerates are already automating a lot of data (Levy et al., 2019). Algorithms… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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