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5 Questions I Wish I Had the Answer to Before Interviewing for Data Science Positions
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5 Questions I Wish I Had the Answer to Before Interviewing for Data Science Positions

Last Updated on July 17, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Clément Delteil

Originally published on Towards AI.

Why interviewing for Data Science positions is like riding a roller-coaster.

Photo by James Butterly on Unsplash

You spent hours polishing your cover letter to match the job post. You made your friends proofread it. You applied the corrections. When you finally think it’s ready, you take your courage in both hands, you click on the submit button.

That’s it. 2 days passed, and still no answers. You figured it was the weekend, that’s probably why they didn’t contact you… 2 weeks passed, and still no answers.

Suddenly a company you completely forgot about contacts you. They think you’re the perfect match for the job. You get excited. Finally, somebody recognized your talent. You… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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