LSTM for Sequence Classification
Last Updated on January 18, 2025 by Editorial Team
Author(s): Sarvesh Khetan
Originally published on Towards AI.
Table of Contents :
- Single Layer Architecture
1. LSTM Architecture
2. Learning in LSTM
3. How LSTM solves issues in RNN
4. Issues with LSTM
5. Pytorch Code - Stacked Layer Architecture
1. Architecture Diagram
2. Pytorch Code
Single Layer Architecture
LSTM Architecture
This is similar to RNN architecture that we saw here just that now we will replace the RNN unit with an LSTM unit
Now letβs discuss what goes on inside the LSTM unit, following video clearly explains the same!!
Learning in LSTM
Since we are using LSTM to solve a classification task we can use cross entropy loss to train the network, as shown below
Now this optimization can be solved using any optimizer i.e. gradient descent / Adam / AdaGrad / β¦ (stochastic or mini batch version). Below lets try solving it using gradient descent
Now to calculate these derivates we will take help of computation graph for this RNN architecture which is shown below
Similarly calculate derivatives of other matrices !!
How LSTM solves issues with RNN
Here we discusses issues with RNN namely vanishing gradient and exploding gradient. Hence to see if LSTM faces with similar issue or not letβs consider the above derivative dE / dWf
Issues with LSTM
LSTMs solved the vanishing gradient problem but LSTMs are computationally very very heavy thus taking huge training time and hence we wanted something which can train much faster and also give at least as good results as LSTMs because LSTMs really gave very good results.
Pytorch Code
# Create a single LSTM cell
lstm_cell = nn.LSTMCell(input_size=10, hidden_size=10)
Stacked Architecture
Architecture Diagram
Pytorch Code
lstm_stack = nn.LSTM(input_size=10, hidden_size=10, num_layers=3)
# 3 single LSTM cells stacked on top of each other
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Published via Towards AI