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First Winners Emerge in the “Race” to Open-Source AlphaFold 3
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First Winners Emerge in the “Race” to Open-Source AlphaFold 3

Last Updated on September 27, 2024 by Editorial Team

Author(s): LucianoSphere (Luciano Abriata, PhD)

Originally published on Towards AI.

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“A race of AI models to predict protein structures” as imagined by Dall-E-3 via ChatGPT.

The development and release of AlphaFold by Deepmind, more so of AlphaFold 2 which is not just a tweaked version of AlphaFold 1 but entailed a whole re-thinking of the problem using totally new computer science maths and concepts, revolutionized the field of protein structure prediction. And thus, biology. Moreover, besides being revolutionary in itself, Deepmind making AF2 open source allowing various breakthroughs in computational molecular sciences and fostering the development, by academics and private companies, of a whole new generation of AI models inspired by its architecture, as I have covered in this publication and in other places on Medium.

However, its latest star model, AlphaFold 3, which is “molecularly multimodal” (by which I mean it can understand not just proteins but all kinds of biologically relevant molecules) is totally closed. Google and Deepmind only provide access to it through a server, with a limited number of calls per day and only for non-commercial applications.

After heated debate about this in the scientific community, especially given how the paper reporting AF3 was published despite a lack… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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