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As a Product Manager, here’s how I *actually* use ChatGPT at work
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As a Product Manager, here’s how I *actually* use ChatGPT at work

Last Updated on June 10, 2024 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Joy Zhang

Originally published on Towards AI.

Spoiler alert: no, I don’t use it to come up with new product features.
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

I know I’ve been reading too much Reddit when I start encountering threads titled: ‘will Product Managers be replaced by AI?’

Long-term? Like 30 years from now? Who knows. The role will most likely evolve due to a combination of factors I’ll never be able to predict.

In the short-term: no. Not unless you think your hot-blooded senior leaders would happily be told ‘no’ in response to their new feature idea by a computer and go about their day.

GPT is a language model trained on past data. It does not know current trends or market dynamics, and by that definition, should struggle to innovate or create anything ‘new’.

That being said, I’ve found ChatGPT can make my job just a bit easier — here are a few ways I’m using ChatGPT in my work today.

For context, I’m a Product Manager at an early-stage tech startup. I also have creative pursuits on the side to juggle, so it pays to be efficient and not work overtime if I can help it.

My job involves working closely with engineers and understanding the trade-offs in engineering decisions — particularly how they impact the user-facing product experience or delivery timeline.

I don’t have the… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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