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The Curse Of Dimensionality in KNN Classifiers
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The Curse Of Dimensionality in KNN Classifiers

Last Updated on December 21, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Tim Cvetko

Originally published on Towards AI.

Exploring the troublesome effect of “high-dimensionality” in clustering algorithms
Source: https://scipy-lectures.org/packages/scikit-learn/auto_examples/plot_iris_knn.html

In this article, we’ll be exploring the effect of curse dimensionality in the KNN algorithm, starting out with a brief overview of how the KNN algorithm works and leading to proper intuition of the curse itself.

Who is this useful for? Those acquainted with machine learning and clustering algorithms & all those getting there.

How advanced is this post? This post is primarily intended for more experienced engineers.

Pre-requisites: I’ll briefly cover the KNN algorithm in this article, but you can refer to the following article for more information on the subject.

KNN: K Nearest Neighbour is one of the fundamental algorithms to start Machine Learning. Machine Learning models use a…


Before we get into the curse of dimensionality, I want to go over the KNN algorithm briefly. In its most basic sense, the KNN algorithm bundles similar items together and literally finds the “nearest neighbors.”

Here’s how it works: Given a dataset with labeled points, when you want to classify a new data point, KNN identifies the K nearest points in the feature space. The class or value assigned to the new point is then determined by a majority vote (for classification) or an average (for regression) from these K neighbors. The “nearest” is… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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