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Power, Limitations, and Use Cases of Gpt-3 From My Tests and Prototype Apps You Can Replicate Right Away
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Power, Limitations, and Use Cases of Gpt-3 From My Tests and Prototype Apps You Can Replicate Right Away

Last Updated on July 18, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): LucianoSphere

Originally published on Towards AI.

Exemplified with smart chatbots that can even listen and talk naturally command programs, or help students as full-time online tutors. And all on the web.

Since OpenAI released it now already several months ago, I have been using GPT-3 and putting it to tests of all kinds. After taking GPT-3 through exams aimed at quantifying how much it knows about science, I started using it to assist me in my own writing processes (for which it turned out especially cool to overcome the “white page blocking”) and also to create chatbots for various purposes from welcoming and guiding the visitors of my website to chatting about whatever topic you feel like, even by talking naturally, and to commanding apps through natural speech. Let’s review here… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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