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Querying Synapse Analytics Delta Lake from Databricks
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Querying Synapse Analytics Delta Lake from Databricks

Last Updated on July 17, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Guilherme Banhudo

Originally published on Towards AI.

Image by Databricks

A step-by-step guide on how to connect (query) Azure Synapse Analytics Delta Lake data from Databricks for both dedicated and serverless pools.

Problem Statement

In recent years, especially with the advent of Delta lake, it became ever more common to use Databricks as a main source of processing and use internal services, like Azure Synapse Analytics, to manage access to said resources.

The Azure Databricks, Data Lake Gen 2 and Synapse Analytics trifactor

It then becomes increasingly common to require reading the data stored in Synapse Analytics via Databricks, especially when you are interested in conducting complex analysis or Machine Learning via Databricks. However, the process is not straightforward, and the documentation β€” at the time of this article β€” is severely lacking.

This requirement can be particularly important if you abstract your stored objects β€” for instance, Delta files β€” via External Tables or External Views.


The solution consists of three straightforward β€” albeit, long β€” steps:

  1. Selecting and configuring the appropriate Databricks connector
  2. Configuring Azure Synapse Analytics
  3. Connect Databricks to Azure Synapse Analytics

1. Selecting and configuring the appropriate Databricks connector

Databricks offers an out-of-the-box connector for Azure Synapse Analytics as indicated in this guide. However, this connector only works for Dedicated SQL Pools. If you want to connect to a Serverless SQL Pool, you will have to use Microsoft’s Apache Spark connector: SQL Server & Azure SQL.

To install and make the connector available for your Cluster instance, you can install the connector directly via the Install wizard within your Databricks cluster or use, for instance, a Maven coordinate.

The Databricks dependencies install wizard for Maven coordinates

However, this is not an easily maintainable process, especially if you want to use dbx to deploy your instances. The process can be streamlined by using dbx to manage your deployments β€” CI/CD. To incorporate it in dbx, add the following line to your deployment.json (see the official documentation for details on how to add maven dependencies here):

- maven:

2. Configuring Azure Synapse Analytics

The hardest β€” and arguably the most confusing β€” part of the process consists of configuring Azure Synapse Analytics to allow external entities to query your objects.

2.1- (Optional) Create a Database level Master Key

The first step is to make sure your Database has a master key used to protect the credentials.
Note: You may skip this step if you have already set up your database.

USE database_name;

2.2- Create a Database Scoped Credential

The second step requires us to set up a scoped credential that manages access to the storage files used in the Data Lake containers.

This step requires a Shared Access Signature SAS Token.

To retrieve it, open your Azure Portal, navigate to Storage Accounts, select your Storage Account and open the Shared access signature menu:

Azure Portal > Storage Accounts > Storage Account > Container > Shared access signature

The Azure Storage Account (Security + networking) Shared access signature tab

We then need to generate a SAS Token. Make sure to select only the required permissions and hit the Generate SAS button:

The Azure Storage Account Shared access signature generator

At the bottom, you will find a series of generated blocks that contain our SAS token.

Note: The token has the format β€œ?sv=202******”, when pasting to the SQL script you must ignore the question mark prefix, ?. Meaning, the secret β€œ?sv=202******” becomes β€œsv=202******”


2.3- Create the External Data Source

Since our Data exists in an Azure Blob Storage container, we have to make it available to Azure Synapse Analytics via the concept of the External Data Source.
In this case, we will create an External Data Source named prod_lake, assign the ProdReadAccess credential, and lastly, specify the Delta Lake Storage location:

Note: If you do not know your storage location address, proceed to step 2.3.1.

IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.external_data_sources WHERE name = 'prod_lake')
CREDENTIAL = ProdReadAccess

2.3.1- (Optional) Retrieve the Data Lake Storage endpoint

In the previous step, the LOCATION parameter was inserted under the assumption that it was known beforehand. If you do not know the parameter’s value, open your Storage Account, go to the Endpoints section and retrieve the Data Lake Storage link.

Azure Portal > Storage Accounts > Storage Account > Container > Endpoints

The Azure Storage Account (Settings) Endpoints tab

2.4- Create the authentication credentials

2.4.1- Create a Login

Start by creating a LOGIN named databricks_synapse:

CREATE LOGIN databricks_synapse WITH PASSWORD = 'your_strong_password';

2.4.2- Create a User from the Login

CREATE USER databricks_synapse FROM LOGIN databricks_synapse;

2.4.3- Grant the User Permission to Read the Container items


2.4.3- Change the User’s role to allow reading from the SQL instance

ALTER ROLE db_datareader ADD MEMBER [databricks_synapse];

2.4.4- (Optional) Create a View or External Table on the Delta resource

Create a View (or External Table) on the external Delta resource using the created Data Source, prod_lake:

CREATE VIEW dw.test_view AS
BULK 'test_delta/',
DATA_SOURCE = 'prod_lake',
AS [r];

3. Connect Databricks to Azure Synapse Analytics

Finally, we need to instruct Databricks to connect to Azure Synapse Analytics and query a specific table β€” or execute a query.

3.1. Retrieve the (Dedicated or Serverless) Pool Hostname

In order to connect to the Dedicated or Serverless Pool, we need its specific SQL endpoint address. This allows us to select the Pool instance based on the required workload.

The easiest way to retrieve it is via the Synapse Analytics workspace. Open the SQL pools separator and access the desired SQL pool β€” built-in by default or, serverless.

Azure Portal > Azure Synapse Analytics> *select your instance*> Open Synapse Studio > Manage > SQL Pools

The Synapse Analytics Studio Manage separator, pointing at the SQL pools manager

By selecting the desired SQL Pool, a Properties window pops up containing the required information:

The Properties window for the β€œBuilt-in” SQL Pool

3.2. Query the Azure Synapse Analytics Endpoint

This section and its details are extensively covered in this Microsoft guide.


hostname: str = ""
database: str = "your_database_name"
port: int = 1433
user: str = "databricks_synapse"
password:str = "your_strong_password"
table_name: str = "dw.test_view"

.option("driver", "")
.option("url", f"jdbc:sqlserver://{hostname}:{port};database={database}")
.option("user", user)
.option("password", password)
.option("dbtable", table_name)

If you want to execute a query instead, replace the dbtable option with the query and the corresponding argument:


hostname: str = ""
database: str = "your_database_name"
port: int = 1433
user: str = "databricks_synapse"
password:str = "your_strong_password"
query: str = "select top(10) * from dw.test_view"

.option("driver", "")
.option("url", f"jdbc:sqlserver://{hostname}:{port};database={database}")
.option("user", user)
.option("password", password)
.option("query", query)

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