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Analysis of BW in piglets

Analysis of BW in piglets

Last Updated on January 7, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Dr. Marc Jacobs

Originally published on Towards AI the World’s Leading AI and Technology News and Media Company. If you are building an AI-related product or service, we invite you to consider becoming an AI sponsor. At Towards AI, we help scale AI and technology startups. Let us help you unleash your technology to the masses.

Data Analysis

Using Mixed Models & Splines inΒ R

In this Mixed Model example, I will use a somewhat more advanced dataset containing the bodyweight growth of piglets across different levels. The dataset was not that straightforward to analyze and I am sure that the model I show in the end can be greatly improved. Luckily, getting the best model is not the true aim of thisΒ post.

What I do want to achieve, besides just showing a Mixed Model with splines in R, is highlighting some additional functionality, suchΒ as:

  1. Plotting and tabulating of Mixed ModelΒ output
  2. Pairwise comparison ofΒ factors
  3. Profiled and Bootstrapped Confidence intervals of Fixed and RandomΒ effects
  4. A Shiny way of exploring your MixedΒ Model.

I believe the code, pictures, and added comments will show theΒ way.

Plot showing the measurements at the piglet level. What is not directly clear from this plot is that the observations in the middle are sparse. The only way to actually know this is by knowing the β€˜normal’ growth curves of the piglet which go up. Hence, the high BW scores at day 31 and day 35 are anomalies and probably an artifact of selection bias.

Analyzing growth data via a Mixed Model always requires the data to be in long formatβ€Šβ€”β€Šmultiple rows per ID in which each row contains a single observation of a time-varying factor. Here, that factor isΒ BW.

Although Mixed Models are very good at dealing with unbalanced data, it is perhaps best if we stick with time points 0,7,14,28, and 42. The choice is personal of course, and one could choose differently. These choices need to be driven by science, not by statistics.

Basic overal plots per treatment to look for variation within and between treatments. There sure is variation within, but I am not so positive about any variation between.
Growth curves across pens, departments, and treatments. These plots are great ways to start your exploration of nested datasets. You WANT to see variation within and between cells to include these levels as random effect levels. The more you variation you can place in the β€˜explained variation’ box theΒ better.
And here we have the curves at the pen level, by the department. Treatment determines the color. Once again, we are really looking for a varianceΒ here.

The biggest predictor of any longitudinal dataset will be time. Now, time in itself is actually the least interesting factor, since time by itself cannot do anything. It is just the progression of an underlying mechanism that we hope to unravel but cannot see. Hence, in the model, we label itΒ time.

To model β€˜time,’ we need to see if we can do that the best way in a linear fashion, or if perhaps polynomial transformations are necessary.

The linear model is for sure not enough, but i am not yet sure if the cubic (xΒ³) performs better then the quadratic(xΒ²) model.

There is not a lot of interaction goingΒ on.
Actually, there seems to be no interaction goingΒ on.

Now, it's time to model the data using Mixed Models. As shown in the introduction example, we can start modeling by just using the grand mean, and then work our way up using additional fixed and randomΒ effects.

The following code executes increasingly more complex models and compares their model fit with eachΒ other.

From the result, it seems that the spline model with three knots is the best model. The previous polynomial plots did hint at a curve, but I was not sure to go for two or three inflection points. It seems that statistics chose three, but one should always be careful. These models tend to overfitΒ easily.

> data.frame(Model=myaicc[,1],round(myaicc[, 2:7],4))  
Model K AICc Delta_AICc AICcWt Cum.Wt eratio
4 TP3 7 44777.30 0.0000 1 1 1.000000e+00
3 TP2 6 44852.52 75.2234 0 1 2.160530e+16
2 TL 5 44902.44 125.1398 0 1 1.491971e+27
1 I 3 51091.40 6314.0990 0 1 Inf

Something that I did not show you, but continued to pop up, are warnings regarding the scaling of the predictors. Regression models are very susceptible to heterogenous scales limiting their ability to find the most optimal solution. Hence, it is best to center (subtract the mean from observations) and scale it (usually by standard deviation). This is what is often referred to as normalization.

Okay, so lets model again using the normalized data. Below you see a linear and spline model, containing the same fixed effects and the same random effects. The (1|afdeling/hok/bignummer) refers to a random-intercept model in which random effects are modeled at the piglet-level (bignummer), the pen-level (hok), and department-level (afdeling). So, we are asking the model to create three distinct random intercepts. This is heavy-duty work!

There is actual variance at each of the three levels, although the department level struggles. Look out for parameter estimates that are at a smaller scale than the parameter standard error. This is normally a sign of a struggling solution.
Can’t say the residuals look great. They seem to make a curve. What you want to see is homogeneity (random cloud) and normality (follow the black line) ofΒ errors.

The Anova and Bootstrapped LRT both say that the Spline model is theΒ best.
Estimates between both models does not really differ for the parameters they share. However, the Spline model has substantially more parameters, which likely explains its better fit. Remember, with greater parameters comes greater responsibility.

The baseline has a clear effect on BW, but suckling age (speenleeftijd) en time*treatment show noΒ effect.

Even though our models are far from perfect, I still want to show you how to create these gorgeous and heavily customizable tables.

The Spline model (right model) has a clear drop in AICc. With a difference of about 120, it beats without a doubt a linear model. This should not be a surprise, considering the growth trajectory of the animals. The benefit of adding additional parameters next to time can however be questioned.

Many parameters should not even be included in thisΒ model!

The plots below show the decreasing complexity as we move up to higher levels of the nested dataset. In the upper left, you can see the random effects of each of the 678 piglets. There is quite some variation there! That variation is still present when you look at the pen level, but disappears mostlyβ€Šβ€”β€Šbut not completelyβ€Šβ€”β€Šat the department level.

What you are looking for below are strange values and great ranges. A great range shows that the model is too unstable, providing different results when resampling the data (or most likely the residuals in this case). Keep in mind, the data are normalized, so don’t be alarmed by negativeΒ values.

> fullmodel.p.profile
2.5 % 97.5 %
.sig01 0.15789798 0.18806449
.sig02 0.08045540 0.13829972
.sig03 0.03433251 0.16420614
.sigma 0.23087468 0.24606877
(Intercept) -1.10607167 -0.91646721
Baseline 0.28509093 0.32624303
ns(Time, 3)1 1.19281521 1.34393775
ns(Time, 3)2 2.13788842 2.33545366
ns(Time, 3)3 2.02265831 2.12545518
feedA44 -0.08153903 0.12081676
feedBB4 -0.06433766 0.14123498
feedB44 -0.07802993 0.12428090
speenleeftijd -0.05629743 0.03623871
ns(Time, 3)1:feedA44 -0.05616030 0.15734512
ns(Time, 3)2:feedA44 0.04118821 0.32098636
ns(Time, 3)3:feedA44 -0.01626940 0.12931287
ns(Time, 3)1:feedBB4 -0.03581485 0.17795854
ns(Time, 3)2:feedBB4 -0.10099513 0.17879623
ns(Time, 3)3:feedBB4 -0.06148481 0.08396338
ns(Time, 3)1:feedB44 -0.10512360 0.10730989
ns(Time, 3)2:feedB44 -0.10426754 0.17359444
ns(Time, 3)3:feedB44 -0.09451097 0.05002694

Even though the model is still not great, and we already know that certain factors should not be included, let's dive deeper into the world of linear predictors and estimated means or LSMEANS as they are often referredΒ to.

Some factors should be deleted and a simplified model is deemed more parsimonious.
Especially time is different from zero. Feed not soΒ much.
LSMEANS for feed do notΒ differ.
Graphical depiction of the outputΒ above.

This last bit is a bit of an extra. If you want to explore your Mixed Model and test your knowledge, you can transform your model into a Shiny tool. Luckily, all the coding work has already been done, so you just need to make the model. The problem is, however, that the Shiny application does not recognize splines. In general, splines can give you some issues when combined with rigid packages which I do not understand. They far exceed any polynomial models.

So, to actually transform your model in a Shiny tool, you need to hard-code the polynomial model but include breakpoints. Technically, we now have a piecewise-regression model, which is actually the foundation for aΒ spline.

This proves that the piecewise model performs like the polynomial model.
I modeled on the original data to keep the Shiny tool understandable. However, looking at the variance values, for instance, should have you running back at the scaled variables.
The Shiny tool looks great and can be used for exploration.

This is the end of this post. I hope you enjoyed it and keep watching us for moreΒ posts!

Analysis of BW in piglets was originally published in Towards AI on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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