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TAI #117:Do OpenAI’s o1 Models Unlock a Full “Moore’s Law” Feedback Loop for LLM Inference Tokens?
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TAI #117:Do OpenAI’s o1 Models Unlock a Full “Moore’s Law” Feedback Loop for LLM Inference Tokens?

Last Updated on September 18, 2024 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Towards AI Editorial Team

Originally published on Towards AI.

What happened this week in AI by Louie

OpenAI’s new o1 series of “reasoning” models took clear center stage this week. These models use an advanced form of search and reasoning during inference. This system performs multiple steps of thought before arriving at an answer, drawing on reinforcement learning (RL) to refine its reasoning process. These models have been highly anticipated since press leaks of OpenAI’s “Q*” breakthrough over a year ago.

Typically, reception to the model has spanned from claims of unlocking AGI to dismissive claims that OpenAI is just applying “Chain of Thought” prompting. We think this model is a huge breakthrough for some tasks, but it is not a plug-and-play upgrade to existing models; you cannot simply use an existing LLM pipeline and prompt and expect it to get better results. While technical details of the model were scarce, this model is clearly more than just prompting, and there was a significant investment in a new “large-scale reinforcement learning algorithm” that “teaches the model how to think productively using its chain of thought.” Perhaps the model started as GPT-4o, but we think post-training compute investment has likely led to substantially different model weights. We also think some architectural adaptations were likely needed to achieve this reasoning search process. There was likely also substantial investment in compiling new post-training data where we expect experienced scientists and coders were asked to break down full details of their internal reasoning to solve challenging problems. The final model is capable of performing some tasks completely out of reach of existing LLMs, albeit at a substantially higher cost.

The performance jumps on some benchmarks (science, math, code, and reasoning focused ones) are substantial; for example, on PhD-Level Science Questions (GPQA diamond), GPT4o achieved 53.6%, o1-mini 60.0%, o1-preview 73.3% and the still un-released o1 77.3%. The downside is, of course, cost and latency; the models often spend 10–60 seconds “thinking” using hidden reasoning tokens. This also adds a cost. While the per token price of o1-preview is 6x higher than GPT-4o, factoring in these new thinking tokens means the price can often reach as much as 30x higher per output token. o1-mini offers 5x lower pricing than this and is even more tailored to math and coding problems where it can actually get better results.

The biggest highlight from OpenAI’s o1 report for us was its disclosure of non-plateauing scaling laws for capability relative to “test-time” (or “inference-time”) compute. While this still scales logarithmically (and hence gets expensive), the fact you can just spend more money on inference and achieve greater performance instead of needing to train a more capable model is very significant. It speaks to the success of OpenAI’s RL search model here that the reasoning steps do not just get lost and stuck after following the wrong direction but can, in fact, keep progressing toward the correct answer with more inference compute. While much work is still needed on refinement here, it opens the possibility of simply leaving o1 models to work for one day or one week to solve the hardest problems. Of course — this is also all very convenient for OpenAI’s business model!

Why should you care?

Besides the out-of-the-box capability unlock on some tasks (we found it particularly valuable for brainstorming tasks so far, and agent pipelines have also become much easier), we think the real story here is the beginning of a new paradigm of integrating RL-based “reasoning step” search with LLMs and scaling inference-time compute to reach greater capability.

Many people argue that LLMs alone will never be able to truly reason and generalize; they only memorize statistical features in their training data distribution. This may or may not be true, but we think a key reason LLMs perform poorly on reasoning-like tasks is that there is very little reasoning data on the internet. Humans always skip to the key points when writing up their ideas and don’t write down their full inner monologue with every thinking step — so the LLM thought it was supposed to just guess at these random leaps from token to token. To some extent, I think so far we have actively been training LLMs NOT to reason; they were being punished during training for attempting these necessary intermediary calculations/thinking steps and not just skipping to mimicking the next word as presented in their internet training data format. For this reason, I think we will find a lot of easy wins with models developed in the direction of o1.

For some time, we have been highlighting the rapid price reduction in LLM inference tokens. For example, cached input tokens with DeepSeek V2 are priced 4,000x lower than Da-Vinci 002 (GPT-3) token costs were two years before. At the peak of Moore’s law, $ cost per transistor was reduced around ~4,000x in the first 14 years up to 1982. We think “Moore’s Law” is an increasingly apt analogy. Despite the huge reduction in LLM inference token price, until now there was still one key element of the feedback loop missing.

While Moore’s law itself was just a prophecy, I think it actually consists of three very real key components that led to sustained feedback loops and the progress we have seen:

1) Learning Rates/Wright’s Law: More cumulative production of a product leads to lower costs due to A) R&D scaling with revenue, B) Companies learning from cost of goods sold and staff experience driving process improvements, and C) Economies of scale.

2) Volume unlocked by price: Lower costs lead to a wider set of applications becoming economically viable, which in turn leads to more cumulative production and lower costs.

3) Volume unlocked by capability: More transistors used together lead to higher capability, which in turn leads to more applications becoming possible, more production, lower costs, and so on.

Until now, cumulative growth in the generated LLM inference tokens has been leading to rapid breakthroughs in reducing cost and unlocking new economic applications. However, more tokens were not easily being applied to the same task to unlock more capabilities (analogous to fitting more transistors on one chip). These new o1 models demonstrate test-time compute scaling laws and clear capability gains from applying more “thinking tokens” to a problem over what could well be orders of magnitude of inference tokens. I expect this to lead to much higher cost per LLM task in some cases (where it makes sense to invest a large amount of tokens/thinking time) — but for this increased token volume to drive Wright’s law to lower the cost on a per LLM token basis even faster.

Interestingly, it is actually LLMs that are reinvigorating the 3rd component of Moore’s Law. The capability gains from more inference tokens per task actually look more clear-cut than gains from more transistors per chip, as transistors saturated these benefits a long time ago. However, now huge LLM training clusters are meaning we really are getting large new capabilities unlocked again from setting more and more transistors to one task (for example, 100k H100 GPU training runs). However, given the scale of the chip industry, it will still take a long time to really make a big change to cumulative historic transistor production and, hence, a faster reduction in price per transistor.

Louie Peters — Towards AI Co-founder and CEO

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Six 5-minute reads/videos to keep you learning

1. Top RAG Techniques You Should Know (Wang et al., 2024)

This article explores the best Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) stack based on the study by Wang et al., 2024. It goes over the best components and how they work so you can also make your RAG system top-tier.

2. Using GPT-4o for Web Scraping

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4. Building & Deploying a FastAPI Video Description App: From Code to Cloud With GPT, Docker, and Azure

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Repositories & Tools

  1. AlphaFold 3 is Ligo’s open-source implementation of AlphaFold3, an ongoing research project to advance open-source biomolecular structure prediction.
  2. Llama Omni is a low-latency and high-quality end-to-end speech interaction model built upon Llama-3.1–8B-Instruct, aiming to achieve GPT4o-level speech capabilities.
  3. iText2KG is a Python package designed to construct consistent knowledge graphs with resolved entities and relations incrementally.
  4. MiniCPM is an edge-side LLM that surpasses GPT-3.5-Turbo.
  5. Aider is an AI pair programming in your terminal.
  6. GPT Pilot is an AI developer companion.
  7. Taipy turns data and AI algorithms into production-ready web applications.

Top Papers of The Week

1. Planning In Natural Language Improves LLM Search For Code Generation

Research indicates that using natural language planning boosts the effectiveness of LLMs in code generation. The PLANSEARCH algorithm, which creates diverse natural language plans, significantly improves solution diversity and performance, achieving a pass@200 of 77.0% on LiveCodeBench. This approach highlights a direct correlation between the diversity of generated ideas and performance gains, proposing a new paradigm in computational problem-solving.

2. Mini-Omni: Language Models Can Hear, Talk While Thinking in Streaming

This paper introduces the Mini-Omni, an audio-based end-to-end conversational model capable of real-time speech interaction. It proposes a text-instructed speech generation method and batch-parallel strategies during inference to boost performance. This method helps to retain the original model’s language capabilities with minimal degradation, enabling other works to establish real-time interaction capabilities.

3. MemoRAG: Moving towards Next-Gen RAG Via Memory-Inspired Knowledge Discovery

This paper proposes MemoRAG, a novel RAG approach with long-term memory. MemoRAG adopts a dual-system architecture. On the one hand, it employs a light but long-range LLM to form the global memory of the database. On the other hand, it leverages an expensive but expressive LLM, which generates the ultimate answer based on the retrieved information.

4. Configurable Foundation Models: Building LLMs from a Modular Perspective

This paper offers a comprehensive overview and investigation of the construction, utilization, and limitation of configurable foundation models. Overall, it offers a fresh modular perspective on existing LLM research and inspires the future creation of more efficient and scalable foundational models.

5. Imitating Language via Scalable Inverse Reinforcement Learning

The paper explores the use of Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) in fine-tuning language models, traditionally reliant on Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE). IRL enhances performance, output diversity, and robustness. Combining IRL with MLE offers a promising alternative for refining large language models.

6. PaperQA: Retrieval-Augmented Generative Agent for Scientific Research

This paper presents PaperQA, a RAG agent that answers questions about the scientific literature. It performs information retrieval across full-text scientific articles, assesses the relevance of sources and passages, and uses RAG to provide answers.

7. Can LLMs Generate Novel Research Ideas? A Large-Scale Human Study with 100+ NLP Researchers

This research establishes an experimental design to evaluate the research idea generation capability of LLMs. It performs the first head-to-head comparison between expert NLP researchers and an LLM ideation agent. The blind reviews of both LLM and human ideas show that LLM-generated ideas are more novel (p < 0.05) than human expert ideas but not as feasible.

Quick Links

1. Google is adding an “Audio Overview” feature to NotebookLM, its AI note-taking and research app. Audio Overview will give users another way to process and understand the information in the documents uploaded to the app, such as course readings or legal briefs.

2. CEO Sebastian Siemiatkowski announced that Klarna will end its service provider relationships with Salesforce and Workday as part of a major internal overhaul driven by AI initiatives.

3. Arcee AI launched SuperNova, a 70 billion parameter language model designed for enterprise deployment, featuring advanced instruction-following capabilities and full customization options.

4. Salesforce unveiled Agentforce, a suite of autonomous AI agents that augment employees and handle tasks in service, sales, marketing, and commerce, driving efficiency and customer satisfaction.

5. Fei-Fei Li has raised $230 million for her new startup, World Labs, from backers including Andreessen Horowitz, NEA, and Radical Ventures. World Labs is valued at over $1 billion, and the capital was raised over two rounds spaced a couple of months apart.

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