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Introducing Towards AI’s Official Community

Introducing Towards AI Backers

Author(s): Towards AI Team

[ Join us

Last updated January 12, 2021

Towards AI is proud to announce our official community focused on artificial intelligence, data science, data visualization, deep learning, machine learning, NLP, computer vision, related news, robotics, self-driving cars, programming, technology, best practices, and more!

We are an online community that will support, encourage, and hold each other accountable to achieve our goals and strive for greatness. Whether you are just getting started in AI and tech or you are a seasoned tech-vet. If you are looking for a place to find like-minded tech go-getters, join us.

By becoming a member, you will not only be supporting Towards AI, but you will have access to communicate directly with our team, connect with our community, ask questions, obtain feedback, have early access to our projects, code, beta products, books, and others, along with being an instrumental part of our growth.

? Check out our principal component analysis tutorial. ?

Welcome message when joining Towards AI on Discord


Once you join, you will be able to see all of our channels on Discord and have access to all of our channels.

Screenshot showing our community channels once joined.

Welcome, and Thank you!

After joining, we encourage you to say hello on our #?intros channel, to chat with other members, please visit our #?general channel. If you are facing difficulties or issues, please open a ticket on #?create-a-ticket, and one of our team members will be able to assist you as soon as possible.

Please know that only members can access these channels. Before joining, we encourage you to check out our terms and conditions and our privacy policy. If you have any questions or concerns, please send us an email.

We are incredibly thankful that you have decided to take this journey along with us. Thank you for being an instrumental part of our growth.

Introducing Towards AI’s Official Community was originally published in Towards AI on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Published via Towards AI

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