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Complete Guide to Pandas DataFrame with real-time use case

Complete Guide to Pandas DataFrame with real-time use case

Author(s): Muttineni Sai Rohith

Originally published on Towards AI the World’s Leading AI and Technology News and Media Company. If you are building an AI-related product or service, we invite you to consider becoming an AI sponsor. At Towards AI, we help scale AI and technology startups. Let us help you unleash your technology to the masses.

Complete Guide to Pandas Dataframe With Real-time Use Case

After my Pyspark Series — where readers are mostly interested in Pyspark Dataframe and Pyspark RDD, I got suggestions and requests to write on Pandas DataFrame, So that one can compare between Pyspark and Pandas not in consumption terms but in Syntax terms. So today in this article, we are going to concentrate on functionalities of Pandas DataFrame using Titanic Dataset.

Pandas refer to Panel Data/ Python Data analysis. In general terms, Pandas is a python library used to work with datasets.

DataFrame in pandas is a two-dimensional data structure or a table with rows and columns. DataFrames provides functions for creating, analyzing, cleaning, exploring, and manipulating data.



pip install pandas

Importing pandas:

import pandas as pd

This will print the Pandas version if the Pandas installation is successful.

Creating DataFrame:

Creating an empty DataFrame —

df.head(5) # prints first 5 rows in DataFrame

Creating DataFrame from dict—

employees = {'Name':['chandu','rohith','puppy'],'Age':[26,24,29],'salary':[180000,130000,240000]}
df = pd.DataFrame(employees)
Source: Output

Creating Dataframe from a list of lists —

employees = [['chandu',26,180000], ['rohith', 24, 130000],['puppy', 29 ,240000]]
df = pd.DataFrame(employees, columns=["Name","Age","Salary"])
Source: Output

Importing data from CSV File mentioned here.

df = pd.read_csv("/content/titanic_train.csv")
Source: Data from Titanic Dataset

As shown above, df.head(n) will return the first n rows from DataFrame while df.tail(n) will return the last n rows from DataFrame.

print(df.shape)  #prints the shape of DataFrame - rows * columns
print(df.columns)  #returns the column names
Source: Output

value_counts()— returns the unique values with their counts in a particular column.

Source: Output

df.describe() — Getting information about all numerical columns in DataFrame

Source: Output — returns the count and data type of all columns in DataFrame
Source: Output

As seen above, There is the count of Age and Cabin is less than 891, so there might be missing values in those columns. We can also see the dtype of the columns in the DataFrame.

Handling Missing Values

Getting the count of missing Values —

Source: Output

As seen above, columns “Age”, “Cabin” and “Embarked” has missing values.

To get the percentage of missing values —

df.isnull().sum() / df.shape[0] * 100
Source: Output

As we can see, the missing values percentage of Cabin is more than 75%, so let’s drop the column.


The above command is used to drop certain columns from DataFrame.

Imputing Missing Values

Let’s impute the missing values in the Age column by mean Value.


And impute the missing values in an Embarked column by Mode Value.


In the above example, .item() is used as we are dealing with a string column. I think all the missing Values are handled, let’s check —

Source: Output

Renaming Columns

df=df.rename(columns={'Sex':'Gender','Name':'Full Name'})
Source: Output

Adding/Modifying Columns

df['last_name']=df['Full Name'].apply(lambda x: x.split(',')[0])
df['first_name']=df['Full Name'].apply(lambda x: ' '.join(x.split(',')[1:]))
Source: Output

Adding Rows — we use df.append() method to add the rows

row=dict({'Age':24,'Full Name':'Rohith','Survived':'Y'})
Source: Output

A new row is created, and NaN values are initialized for columns with No Values

using loc() method:


Deleting Rows

using df.index() method —

df=df.drop(df.index[-1],axis=0) # Deletes last row

Encoding Columns

For most of the machine learning algorithms, we should have numerical data instead of Data in String format. So Encoding data is a must operation.

Source: Output

As this process becomes hectic for all columns if we use the above method, there are many methods such as LabelEncoder, OneHotEncoder, and MultiColumnLabelEncoder available to Encode the DataFrames. They are explained clearly in the below Article —

Encoding Methods to encode Categorical data in Machine Learning

Filtering the Data

Selecting the data only when age is greater than 25.

df[df["Age"]> 25].head(5)
Source: Output

Similarly we can use > , < and == operations.

df[(df["Age"]< 25) & (df["Gender"]=="1")].head(5)

selecting data when Age is less than 25 and Gender is 1. In the above way, we can also filter multiple columns.

apply() function:

Let’s assume that people aged less than 15 and greater than 60 are going to be saved first. Let’s make a save_first column using apply() function.

def save_first(age):
if age<15:
return 1
elif age>=15 and age<60:
return 0
elif age>=60:
return 1
df['save_first']=df['Age'].apply(lambda x: save_first(x))

Selecting particular Columns and Rows:

df_1 = df[['Age','Survived','Gender']]
Source: Output

using .iloc() — It uses numerical indexes to return particular rows and columns in the DataFrame

df_2 = df.iloc[0:100,:]

returns the first 100 rows and all columns in DataFrame

df_2 = df.iloc[0:100, [0,1,2]]

returns first 100 rows and first 3 columns in DataFrame

Source: Output

.loc() function — similar to .iloc() but it uses Column Names instead of numerical indexes.

df_2 = df.loc[0:100, ['Age','Survived','Gender']]
Source: Output


We can perform sorting operations in DataFrame using sort_values() method.

Source: Output

We can also use multiple columns — first sorts by the first column, followed by the second column.

df=df.sort_values(by=['Age', 'Survived'],ascending=False)
Source: Output


Join is nothing but combining multiple DataFrames based on a particular column.

Let's perform 5 types of Joins — cross, inner, left, right, and outer

cross join — also known as a cartesian join, which returns all combinations of rows from each table.

cross_join = pd.merge( df1 , df2 ,how='cross')

inner join — returns only those rows that have matching values in both Dataframes.

inner_join = pd.merge( df1 , df2 ,how='inner', on='column_name')

left join — returns all the rows from the first DataFrame, if there are no matching values, then it returns null Values for Second DataFrame

left_join = pd.merge( df1 , df2 ,how='left', on='column_name')

right join — returns all the rows from the Second DataFrame. If there are no matching values, then it returns null Values for first DataFrame

right_join = pd.merge( df1 , df2 ,how='right', on='column_name')

outer join — returns all the rows from both first and Second DataFrames. In case there is no match in the first Dataframe, Values in the Second DataFrame will be null and ViceVersa

outer_join = pd.merge( df1 , df2 ,how='outer', on='column_name')


This method is used to group a dataframe based on a few columns.

groups = df.groupby(['Survived'])

get_group() method is used to get the data belonging to a certain group.

GroupBy() generally used with mathematical functions such as mean(), min(), max() etc.,

Source: Output
Source: Output

Using .agg() function

import numpy as np
group_agg =df.groupby(['Survived']).agg({'Age':lambda x: np.mean(x)})
Source: Output

So I think I have covered most of the basic concepts related to Pandas DataFrame.

Happy Coding…

Complete Guide to Pandas DataFrame with real-time use case was originally published in Towards AI on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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