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Neural Style Transfer Using a Simple Python Library

Neural Style Transfer Using a Simple Python Library

Author(s): Divy Shah

A guide to neural style transfer using the neural-style-transfer python library

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the neural-style-transfer library to compose images in the style of other images using just a few lines of code.

Neural Style Transfer is basically an optimization technique that takes 2 pictures as an input, one image reference style image, and the other image is input image which you want to style — model blends these two image together and produce a transformed image that looks like the given input (content) but painted in the given referenced style image.

looks interesting right.. but it’s required lots of stuff which includes image pre-processing code, model training code, optimization functions, and lots of other small functions, but to get rid of all these things we have an amazing library called neural-style-transfer which does all this stuff for us in just a few lines of code so in this blog will show you how someone can use this beautiful library.

First, install the library

pip install neural-style-transfer

Import the library and create a class object

from neuralstyletransfer.style_transfer import NeuralStyleTransfer
nst = NeuralStyleTransfer()

Now we need to load content and reference style images using the given command.

here I used an image from an external URL you can also load images directly from the local machine by providing an absolute path and pathType=’local’.

content_url = ''
style_url = ''
nst.LoadContentImage(content_url, pathType='url')
nst.LoadStyleImage(style_url, pathType='url')

Content image

Content image

Style image

Great! now we are all set to start model training..

No need to write any long code you just need to call apply function and model start optimization and give the final result as output.

output = nst.apply(contentWeight=1000, styleWeight=0.01, epochs=600)

output variable contains the final transformed image you can save the output using the Pillow library.

from PIL import Image'output.jpg')

this process takes some time based on your machine’s hardware I suggest using a GPU machine to make the process much faster.

here in the apply function, you can provide different hyperparameters based on your requirement.

Transformed image (Output)

Output image

Wow.. we are done above is our transformed image looks like

checkout this colab-notebook for demo.

Neural Style Transfer using a python library was originally published in Towards AI on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Published via Towards AI

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