Real-Time Object Detection using YoloV7 on Google Colab
Last Updated on December 18, 2024 by Editorial Team
Author(s): Adijsad
Originally published on Towards AI.
Want to test your video using Yolov7 and Google Colab? Learn how to make real-time object detection using your videos in this tutorial
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YOLO (you only look once) is one of the state-of-the-art object detection models, overpowering most of its rivals.
How does it work?
If you want to know how YOLO works in a couple of paragraphs, it goes like this:
Firstly, training data is composed of images, bounding box vectors (i.e., [Pc Bx By Bw Bh C1 C2 β¦.]), with each vector representing a box around a known object in the image. Thus, images with four known objects in it will have four such vectors, and with seven will have seven vectors.
In vector [Pc Bx By Bw Bh C1 C2 β¦] (Bounding box representation), Pc represents the probability of a particular class that the box portrays, Bx & By represent the center coordinates of the box and Bw & Bh are width and height respectively. [C1, C2 β¦] count corresponds to the number of classes present in the dataset.
Since it is essential to have a fixed length vector to train a neural network model, the key feature of the YOLO model is to divide the image into NxN grid where each grid cell produces B bounding boxes of… Read the full blog for free on Medium.
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Published via Towards AI