Towards AI

Launching our LangChain & Vector DBs in Production course — 50+ lessons & practical projects for free

We’re thrilled to announce an exciting collaboration between Towards AI, Activeloop, and the Intel Disruptor Initiative. We are launching the Foundational Model Certification course, an educational journey for the next generation of AI professionals and enthusiasts.

Consistent with our commitment at Towards AI, this course aims to empower AI enthusiasts with advanced tools and resources, paving the path to create impactful AI solutions. Spanning over 50 lessons and 10 practical projects, the course offers a comprehensive exploration of Large Language Models (LLMs), leveraging the capabilities of LangChain and Deep Lake.

LangChain, a potent tool for working with LLMs, coupled with Deep Lake, the vector database for all AI data that provides serverless memory to LLMs, forms the course’s centerpiece.

Launching our LangChain & Vector DBs in Production course — 50+ lessons & practical projects for free

The course is divided into eight modules, featuring over 50 practical lessons. Below are some key concepts and topics included in the course:

The certification course is the inaugural part of the Gen AI 360: Foundational Model Certification program, which is designed to arm AI developers with the tools necessary to apply Large Language Models across industries.

Get started with the LangChain & Vector Databases in Production course today, free of charge. If you haven’t already, please join the course companion Discord Channel and the Activeloop Slack community if you have any questions on Deep Lake.

Louie Peters; “As the CEO of Towards AI, I am thrilled to be part of this groundbreaking initiative. Each month, we reach over 385,000 AI developers through our platform. Our aim has always been to educate and upskill these passionate engineers in this rapidly expanding field.”

What sets this course apart is its practicality. It’s designed for engineers to implement AI into their company processes or use Foundational Models to build entirely new products.

The future is right here, right now. Foundational Models and vector databases are quickly becoming integral components in the day-to-day operations of companies across the globe. Upon course completion, developers certified by Deep Lake will have the ability to harness the full potential of Large Language Models, Deep Lake, and LangChain, paving the way for accelerated AI adoption in their respective fields.

But this course isn’t just for engineers. Technology executives too could greatly benefit from this course, staying at the forefront of AI technology, and facilitating its broader adoption in various industries.

Together, we’ve set out to create a platform that fosters the adoption of cutting-edge AI technology across any engineering organization.

So, to all the innovators, engineers, and tech enthusiasts who dream of pushing the boundaries of AI — this is your moment. We invite you to join us in this journey. To learn more about the Deep Lake Foundational Model Certification and to sign up for free, please visit our website.

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