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Image Editing from Text Instructions: InstructPix2Pix

Image Editing from Text Instructions: InstructPix2Pix

Author(s): Louis Bouchard

Originally published on Towards AI.

The hottest image editing AI, InstructPix2Pix, explained!

Originally published on, read it 2 days before on my blog!

We know that AI can generate images; now, let’s edit them!

This new model called InstructPix2Pix does exactly that; it edits an image following a text-based instruction given by the user.

Example produced with InstructPix2Pix using “Add sunglasses” prompt.

Just look at those amazing results… and that is not from OpenAI or google with an infinite budget.

It is a recent publication from Tim Brooks and collaborators at the University of California, including prof. Alexei A. Efros, a well-known figure in the computer vision industry.

Example from the paper.

As you can see, the results… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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