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History of AI; Labeling “AI” correctly; Excerpts from upcoming “AI Bill of Rights”

History of AI; Labeling “AI” correctly; Excerpts from upcoming “AI Bill of Rights”

Author(s): Graff’s Place

Originally published on Towards AI.

History of AI:

What is the difference between artificial intelligence and true intelligence? Artificial intelligence, to me, is when a group purposefully tries to make a single individual more intelligent.

Before we can talk about the history of AI, we must accurately define it as well as label it. We must decipher what AI stands for, then we can go back to the roots of AI, and where it’s future is heading.

The best possible world is a world that is governed the least but primarily based upon empirical metaphysical truths and law. This will eventually lead to a world that is governed purely by… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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